Ramakrishn Mukundan

My research work in the field of computer graphics spans several areas such as three-dimensional mesh modelling, reconstruction and rendering, inverse kinematics algorithms, character animation algorithms, real-time rendering, shader based implementations, facial expression modelling, and crowd simulation. I am the sole author of the following two books:

• Advanced Methods in Computer Graphics, Springer: London, Apr 2012, ISBN 978-1447123392.

• 3D Mesh Processing and Character Animation, Springer-Nature: Switzerland, Mar 2022, ISBN 978-3030813536.

My research group (Computer Graphics and Medical Image Analysis group) is currently involved in the development and implementation of computational pathology algorithms for automated feature extraction and classification of whole slide images of histopathological slides. These projects on clinical applications of biomedical image analysis and machine learning algorithms are done in collaboration with clinical experts in relevant fields. My early research contributions in the area of pattern recognition and analysis include the development of novel feature descriptors called Tchebichef Moments, based on discrete orthogonal polynomials. Tchebichef moment functions have recently found applications in texture analysis, image compression and invariant pattern recognition. I published the following research monograph in 1998. • Moment Functions in Image Analysis – Theory and Applications, World Scientific: Singapore, Sep 1998, ISBN 981-02-3524-0. In addition to the above books, I have published around 130 technical papers in various journals and conference proceedings.