My research interests include applying theoretical, numerical and experimental approaches to study combustion instability, thermoacoustics, fabric drying, energy conversion, heat and mass transfer, fluid-structure interaction, aeroacoustics, aerodynamics, propulsion and energy harvesting .
Currently, I am the CHIEF EDITOR of International Journal of Aerospace Engineering (IF. 1.1), an Associate Editor of AIAA Journal, Journal of Thermal Science, Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, the journal of Aerospace Science and Technology (JCR, Q1, IF 2.8). An editorial board member of Progress in Aerospace Sciences (IF 6.8). All journals are SCI-indexed. After graduated from Cambridge, I have published more than 120 archived papers as the first or corresponding author on the journals such as AIAA J., Applied Thermal Engineering, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbine and Power, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Applied Energy, Energy, Energy Conversion and Management, Combustion and Flame, Applied Physics Letters, Combustion Science and Technology, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Journal of Sound and Vibration, and Journal of the Acoustical Society of America et al.
By now, I am Associate Fellow of AIAA and have successfully supervised 5 PhD students, 4 postdocs, 4 research associates, and accomplished a number of research projects sponsored by aviation and marine and energy industry, Singapore Ministry of Education/Defense and Singapore Prime Minister Office (NRF).
AIAA Constitution 3.2: ‘AIAA Associate Fellows are individuals of distinction who have made notable and valuable contributions to the arts, sciences, or technology of aeronautics or astronautics.
AIAA Bylaw 2.5:Each year, only 1 for every 150 voting members are selected.
- Aerospace engineering
- Combustion and Energy
- Aeroacoustics
- Ramjet and Scramjet
- Wake Vortex
- Gas/hydro Tubines
- Active or Passive control
- noise control
- Renewable Energy
- Pulsating drying
- Tornado
- Propulsion